本店成立1996年,处于广州著名的皮料皮革商业圈,优良的交通条件,大添皮料店,一直以着信诚为本的生意经商原则,向各方买家,提供质优价宜的商品,以服务大众为本的经营理念,现本店有丰富的货源,能够符合客房的需要,并且本店能为客户订造货物.没有做不到,只是想不到.大添皮料店挚诚为你服务.以良好的服务报效各界客户.The shop ran in 1996. It was in a famous leather commerce square.There are excellent transportation and easy traffic.The prise and good quality are great. Sevice is better than other shops. A lot of leather goods. Assure your orders. Now, we wait for everybody arrive our shop to choose goods.Welcome!!!If you have orders, please send me an email . E-mail:man8268@21cn.com. |